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41 posts tagged with "announcement"

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· 4 min read
Lorenzo Sciandra

In 2018 the React Native Community made a number of changes to the way we develop and communicate about React Native. We believe that a few years from now we will look back and see that this shift was a turning point for React Native.

A lot of people are excited about the rewrite of React Native's architecture, widely known as Fabric. Among other things, this will fix fundamental limitations in React Native's architecture and will set up React Native for success in the future together with JSI and TurboModules.

The biggest shift in 2018 was to empower the React Native Community. From the beginning, Facebook encouraged developers from all around the world to participate in React Native's open source project. Since then, a number of core contributors emerged to handle, among other things, the release process.

These members took a few substantial steps towards making the whole community more empowered to shape the future of this project with the following resources:

react-native-releases 📬

This repository, created in January, serves the dual purpose of allowing everyone to keep up the new releases in a more collaborative manner and opened the conversation of what would be part of a certain release to whomever wanted to suggest a cherry-pick (like for 0.57.8 and all its previous versions).

This has been the driving force behind moving away from a monthly release cycle, and the "long term support" approach currently used for version 0.57.x.

Half of the credit for reaching these decisions goes to the other repository created this year:

discussions-and-proposals 🗣

This repository, created in July, expanded on the idea of a more open environment for conversations on React Native. Previously, this need was handled by issues labelled For Discussion in the main repository, but we wanted to expand this strategy to an RFC approach that other libraries have (e.g. React).

This experiment immediately found its role in the React Native lifecycle. The Facebook team is now using the community RFC process to discuss what could be improved in React Native, and coordinate the efforts around the Lean Core project - among other interesting discussions.

@ReactNativeComm 🐣

We are aware that our approach to communicate these efforts has not been as effective as we would have liked, and in an attempt to give you all an easier time keeping up with everything going on in the React Native Community (from releases to active discussions) we created a new twitter account that you can rely on @ReactNativeComm.

If you are not on that social network, remember that you can always watch repositories via GitHub; this feature improved these past few months with the possibility of being notified only for releases, so you should consider using it anyway.

What awaits ahead 🎓

Over the past 7-8 months, core contributors enhanced the React Native Community GitHub organization to take more ownership over the development of React Native, and enhance collaboration with Facebook. But this always lacked the formal structure that similar projects may have in place.

This organization can set the example for everyone in the larger developer community by enforcing a set of standards for all the packages/repos hosted in it, providing a single place for maintainers to help each other and contribute quality code that conforms to community-agreed standards.

In early 2019, we will have this new set of guidelines in place. Let us know what you think in the dedicated discussion.

We are confident that with these changes, the community will become more collaborative so that when we reach 1.0, we will all continue to write (even more) awesome apps by leveraging this joint effort 🤗

I hope you are as excited as we are about the future of this community. We're excited to see all of you involved either in the conversations happening in the repositories listed above or via the awesome code you’ll produce.

Happy coding!

· 5 min read
Héctor Ramos

This year, the React Native team has focused on a large scale re-architecture of React Native. As Sophie mentioned in her State of React Native post, we've sketched out a plan to better support the thriving population of React Native users and collaborators outside of Facebook. It's now time to share more details about what we've been working on. Before I do so, I'd like to lay out our long-term vision for React Native in open source.

Our vision for React Native is...

  • A healthy GitHub repository. Issues and pull requests get handled within a reasonable period of time.
    • Increased test coverage.
    • Commits that sync out from the Facebook code repository should not break open source tests.
    • A higher scale of meaningful community contributions.
  • Stable APIs, making it easier to interface with open source dependencies.
    • Facebook uses the same public API as open source
    • React Native releases that follow semantic versioning.
  • A vibrant eco-system. High quality ViewManagers, native modules, and multiple platform support maintained by the community.
  • Excellent documentation. Focus on helping users create high quality experiences, and up-to-date API reference docs.

We have identified the following focus areas to help us achieve this vision.

✂️ Lean Core

Our goal is to reduce the surface area of React Native by removing non-core and unused components. We'll transfer non-core components to the community to allow it to move faster. The reduced surface area will make it easier to manage contributions to React Native.

WebView is an example of a component that we transferred to the community. We are working on a workflow that will allow internal teams to continue using these components after we remove them from the repository. We have identified dozens more components that we'll give ownership of to the community.

🎁 Open Sourcing Internals and 🛠Updated Tooling

The React Native development experience for product teams at Facebook can be quite different from open source. Tools that may be popular in the open source community are not used at Facebook. There may be an internal tool that achieves the same purpose. In some cases, Facebook teams have become used to tools that do not exist outside of Facebook. These disparities can pose challenges when we open source our upcoming architecture work.

We'll work on releasing some of these internal tools. We'll also improve support for tools popular with the open source community. Here's a non-exhaustive list of projects we'll tackle:

  • Open source JSI and enable the community to bring their own JavaScript VMs, replacing the existing JavaScriptCore from RN's initial release. We'll be covering what JSI is in a future post, in the meantime you can learn more about JSI from Parashuram's talk at React Conf.
  • Support 64-bit libraries on Android.
  • Enable debugging under the new architecture.
  • Improve support for CocoaPods, Gradle, Maven, and new Xcode build system.

✅ Testing Infrastructure

When Facebook engineers publish code, it's considered safe to land if it passes all tests. These tests identify whether a change might break one of our own React Native surfaces. Yet, there are differences in how Facebook uses React Native. This has allowed us to unknowingly break React Native in open source.

We'll shore up our internal tests to ensure they run in an environment that is as close as possible to open source. This will help prevent code that breaks these tests from making it to open source. We will also work on infrastructure to enable better testing of the core repo on GitHub, enabling future pull requests to easily include tests.

Combined with the reduced surface area, this will allow contributors to merge pull requests quicker, with confidence.

📜 Public API

Facebook will consume React Native via the public API, the same way open source does, to reduce unintentional breaking changes. We have started converting internal call sites to address this. Our goal is to converge on a stable, public API, leading to the adoption of semantic versioning in version 1.0.

📣 Communication

React Native is one of the top open source projects on GitHub by contributor count. That makes us really happy, and we'd like to keep it going. We'll continue working on initiatives that lead to involved contributors, such as increased transparency and open discussion. The documentation is one of the first things someone new to React Native will encounter, yet it has not been a priority. We'd like to fix that, starting with bringing back auto-generated API reference docs, creating additional content focused on creating quality user experiences, and improving our release notes.


We're planning to land these projects throughout the next year or so. Some of these efforts are already ongoing, such as JSI which has already landed in open source. Others will take a bit longer to complete, such as reducing the surface area. We'll do our best to keep the community up to date with our progress. Please join us in the Discussions and Proposals repository, a initiative from the React Native community that has led to the creation of several of the initiatives discussed in this roadmap.

· 5 min read
Lorenzo Sciandra

The long-awaited 0.56 version of React Native is now available 🎉. This blog post highlights some of the changes introduced in this new release. We also want to take the opportunity to explain what has kept us busy since March.

The breaking changes dilemma, or, "when to release?"

The Contributor's Guide explains the integration process that all changes to React Native go through. The project has is composed by many different tools, requiring coordination and constant support to keep everything working properly. Add to this the vibrant open source community that contributes back to the project, and you will get a sense of the mind-bending scale of it all.

With React Native's impressive adoption, breaking changes must be made with great care, and the process is not as smooth as we'd like. A decision was made to skip the April and May releases to allow the core team to integrate and test a new set of breaking changes. Dedicated community communication channels were used along the way to ensure that the June 2018 (0.56.0) release is as hassle-free as possible to adopt by those who patiently waited for the stable release.

Is 0.56.0 perfect? No, as every piece of software out there: but we reached a point where the tradeoff between "waiting for more stability" versus "testing led to successful results so we can push forward" that we feel ready to release it. Moreover, we are aware of a few issues that are not solved in the final 0.56.0 release. Most developers should have no issues upgrading to 0.56.0. For those that are blocked by the aforementioned issues, we hope to see you around in our discussions and we are looking forward to working with you on a solution to these issues.

You might consider 0.56.0 as a fundamental building block towards a more stable framework: it will take probably a week or two of widespread adoption before all the edge cases will be sanded off, but this will lead to an even better July 2018 (0.57.0) release.

We'd like to conclude this section by thanking all the 67 contributors who worked on a total of 818 commits (!) that will help make your apps even better 👏.

And now, without further ado...

The Big Changes

Babel 7

As you may know, the transpiler tool that allows us all to use the latest and greatest features of JavaScript, Babel, is moving to v7 soon. Since this new version brings along some important changes, we felt that now it would be a good time to upgrade, allowing Metro to leverage on its improvements.

If you find yourself in trouble with upgrading, please refer to the documentation section related to it.

Modernizing Android support

On Android, much of the surrounding tooling has changed. We've updated to Gradle 3.5, Android SDK 26, Fresco to 1.9.0, and OkHttp to 3.10.0 and even the NDK API target to API 16. These changes should go without issue and result in faster builds. More importantly, it will help developers comply with the new Play Store requirements coming into effect next month.

Related to this, we'd like to particularly thank Dulmandakh for the many PRs submitted in order to make it possible 👏.

There are some more steps that need to be taken in this direction, and you can follow along with the future planning and discussion of updating the Android support in the dedicated issue (and a side one for the JSC).

New Node, Xcode, React, and Flow – oh my!

Node 8 is now the standard for React Native. It was actually already being tested already, but we've put both feet forward as Node 6 entered maintenance mode. React was also updated to 16.4, which brings a ton of fixes with it.

We're dropping support for iOS 8, making iOS 9 the oldest iOS version that can be targeted. We do not foresee this being a problem, as any device that can run iOS 8, can be upgraded to iOS 9. This change allowed us to remove rarely-used code that implemented workarounds for older devices running iOS 8.

The continuous integration toolchain has been updated to use Xcode 9.4, ensuring that all iOS tests are run on the latest developer tools provided by Apple.

We have upgraded to Flow 0.75 to use the new error format that many devs appreciate. We've also created types for many more components. If you're not yet enforcing static typing in your project, please consider using Flow to identify problems as you code instead of at runtime.

And a lot of other things...

For instance, YellowBox was replaced with a new implementation that makes debugging a lot better.

For the complete release notes, please reference the full changelog here. And remember to keep an eye on the upgrading guide to avoid issues moving to this new version.

A final note: starting this week, the React Native core team will resume holding monthly meetings. We'll make sure to keep everyone up-to-date with what's covered, and ensure to keep your feedback at hand for future meetings.

Happy coding everyone!

Lorenzo, Ryan, and the whole React Native core team

PS: as always, we'd like to remind everyone that React Native is still in 0.x versioning because of the many changes still undergoing - so remember when upgrading that yes, probably, something may still crash or be broken. Be helpful towards each other in the issues and when submitting PRs - and remember to follow the CoC enforced: there's always a human on the other side of the screen.

· 2 min read
Eric Vicenti

Shortly after React Native was introduced, we started releasing every two weeks to help the community adopt new features, while keeping versions stable for production use. At Facebook we had to stabilize the codebase every two weeks for the release of our production iOS apps, so we decided to release the open source versions at the same pace. Now, many of the Facebook apps ship once per week, especially on Android. Because we ship from master weekly, we need to keep it quite stable. So the bi-weekly release cadence doesn't even benefit internal contributors anymore.

We frequently hear feedback from the community that the release rate is hard to keep up with. Tools like Expo had to skip every other release in order to manage the rapid change in version. So it seems clear that the bi-weekly releases did not serve the community well.

Now releasing monthly

We're happy to announce the new monthly release cadence, and the December 2016 release, v0.40, which has been stabilizing for all last month and is ready to adopt. (Just make sure to update headers in your native modules on iOS).

Although it may vary a few days to avoid weekends or handle unforeseen issues, you can now expect a given release to be available on the first day of the month, and released on the last.

Use the current month for the best support

The January release candidate is ready to try, and you can see what's new here.

To see what changes are coming and provide better feedback to React Native contributors, always use the current month's release candidate when possible. By the time each version is released at the end of the month, the changes it contains will have been shipped in production Facebook apps for over two weeks.

You can easily upgrade your app with the new react-native-git-upgrade command:

npm install -g react-native-git-upgrade
react-native-git-upgrade 0.41.0-rc.0

We hope this simpler approach will make it easier for the community to keep track of changes in React Native, and to adopt new versions as quickly as possible!

(Thanks go to Martin Konicek for coming up with this plan and Mike Grabowski for making it happen)

· 4 min read
Nicolas Cuillery

Upgrading to new versions of React Native has been difficult. You might have seen something like this before:

None of those options is ideal. By overwriting the file we lose our local changes. By not overwriting we don't get the latest updates.

Today I am proud to introduce a new tool that helps solve this problem. The tool is called react-native-git-upgrade and uses Git behind the scenes to resolve conflicts automatically whenever possible.


Requirement: Git has to be available in the PATH. Your project doesn't have to be managed by Git.

Install react-native-git-upgrade globally:

$ npm install -g react-native-git-upgrade

or, using Yarn:

$ yarn global add react-native-git-upgrade

Then, run it inside your project directory:

$ cd MyProject
$ react-native-git-upgrade 0.38.0

Note: Do not run 'npm install' to install a new version of react-native. The tool needs to be able to compare the old and new project template to work correctly. Simply run it inside your app folder as shown above, while still on the old version.

Example output:

You can also run react-native-git-upgrade with no arguments to upgrade to the latest version of React Native.

We try to preserve your changes in Android and iOS build files, so you don't need to run react-native link after an upgrade.

We have designed the implementation to be as little intrusive as possible. It is entirely based on a local Git repository created on-the-fly in a temporary directory. It won't interfere with your project repository (no matter what VCS you use: Git, SVN, Mercurial, ... or none). Your sources are restored in case of unexpected errors.

How does it work?

The key step is generating a Git patch. The patch contains all the changes made in the React Native templates between the version your app is using and the new version.

To obtain this patch, we need to generate an app from the templates embedded in the react-native package inside your node_modules directory (these are the same templates the react-native init commands uses). Then, after the native apps have been generated from the templates in both the current version and the new version, Git is able to produce a patch that is adapted to your project (i.e. containing your app name):


diff --git a/ios/MyAwesomeApp/Info.plist b/ios/MyAwesomeApp/Info.plist
index e98ebb0..2fb6a11 100644
--- a/ios/MyAwesomeApp/Info.plist
+++ b/ios/MyAwesomeApp/Info.plist
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
- <key>NSTemporaryExceptionAllowsInsecureHTTPLoads</key>
+ <key>NSExceptionAllowsInsecureHTTPLoads</key>

All we need now is to apply this patch to your source files. While the old react-native upgrade process would have prompted you for any small difference, Git is able to merge most of the changes automatically using its 3-way merge algorithm and eventually leave us with familiar conflict delimiters:

        13B07F951A680F5B00A75B9A /* Release */ = {
isa = XCBuildConfiguration;
buildSettings = {
<<<<<<< ours
CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = "iPhone Developer";
>>>>>>> theirs

These conflicts are generally easy to reason about. The delimiter ours stands for "your team" whereas theirs could be seen as "the React Native team".

Why introduce a new global package?

React Native comes with a global CLI (the react-native-cli package) which delegates commands to the local CLI embedded in the node_modules/react-native/local-cli directory.

As we mentioned above, the process has to be started from your current React Native version. If we had embedded the implementation in the local-cli, you wouldn't be able to enjoy this feature when using old versions of React Native. For example, you wouldn't be able to upgrade from 0.29.2 to 0.38.0 if this new upgrade code was only released in 0.38.0.

Upgrading based on Git is a big improvement in developer experience and it is important to make it available to everyone. By using a separate package react-native-git-upgrade installed globally you can use this new code today no matter what version of React Native your project is using.

One more reason is the recent Yeoman wipeout by Martin Konicek. We didn't want to get these Yeoman dependencies back into the react-native package to be able to evaluate the old template in order to create the patch.

Try it out and provide feedback

As a conclusion, I would say, enjoy the feature and feel free to suggest improvements, report issues and especially send pull requests. Each environment is a bit different and each React Native project is different, and we need your feedback to make this work well for everyone.

Thank you!

I would like to thank the awesome companies Zenika and M6 Web without whom none of this would have been possible!

· 3 min read
Héctor Ramos

We have heard from many people that there is so much work happening with React Native, it can be tough to keep track of what's going on. To help communicate what work is in progress, we are now publishing a roadmap for React Native. At a high level, this work can be broken down into three priorities:

  • Core Libraries. Adding more functionality to the most useful components and APIs.
  • Stability. Improve the underlying infrastructure to reduce bugs and improve code quality.
  • Developer Experience. Help React Native developers move faster

If you have suggestions for features that you think would be valuable on the roadmap, check out Canny, where you can suggest new features and discuss existing proposals.

What's new in React Native

Version 0.37 of React Native, released today, introduces a new core component to make it really easy to add a touchable Button to any app. We're also introducing support for the new Yarn package manager, which should speed up the whole process of updating your app's dependencies.

Introducing Button

Today we're introducing a basic <Button /> component that looks great on every platform. This addresses one of the most common pieces of feedback we get: React Native is one of the only mobile development toolkits without a button ready to use out of the box.

Simple Button on Android, iOS

title="Press Me"
accessibilityLabel="Learn more about this Simple Button"

Experienced React Native developers know how to make a button: use TouchableOpacity for the default look on iOS, TouchableNativeFeedback for the ripple effect on Android, then apply a few styles. Custom buttons aren't particularly hard to build or install, but we aim to make React Native radically easy to learn. With the addition of a basic button into core, newcomers will be able to develop something awesome in their first day, rather than spending that time formatting a Button and learning about Touchable nuances.

Button is meant to work great and look native on every platform, so it won't support all the bells and whistles that custom buttons do. It is a great starting point, but is not meant to replace all your existing buttons. To learn more, check out the new Button documentation, complete with a runnable example!

Speed up react-native init using Yarn

You can now use Yarn, the new package manager for JavaScript, to speed up react-native init significantly. To see the speedup please install yarn and upgrade your react-native-cli to 1.2.0:

$ npm install -g react-native-cli

You should now see “Using yarn” when setting up new apps:

Using yarn

In simple local testing react-native init finished in about 1 minute on a good network (vs around 3 minutes when using npm 3.10.8). Installing yarn is optional but highly recommended.

Thank you!

We'd like to thank everyone who contributed to this release. The full release notes are now available on GitHub. With over two dozen bug fixes and new features, React Native just keeps getting better thanks to you.

· 3 min read
Héctor Ramos

Today we are releasing React Native 0.36. Read on to learn more about what's new.

Headless JS

Headless JS is a way to run tasks in JavaScript while your app is in the background. It can be used, for example, to sync fresh data, handle push notifications, or play music. It is only available on Android, for now.

To get started, define your async task in a dedicated file (e.g. SomeTaskName.js):

module.exports = async (taskData) => {
// Perform your task here.

Next, register your task in on AppRegistry:

AppRegistry.registerHeadlessTask('SomeTaskName', () =>

Using Headless JS does require some native Java code to be written in order to allow you to start up the service when needed. Take a look at our new Headless JS docs to learn more!

The Keyboard API

Working with the on-screen keyboard is now easier with Keyboard. You can now listen for native keyboard events and react to them. For example, to dismiss the active keyboard, simply call Keyboard.dismiss():

import { Keyboard } from 'react-native';

// Hide that keyboard!

Animated Division

Combining two animated values via addition, multiplication, and modulo are already supported by React Native. With version 0.36, combining two animated values via division is now possible. There are some cases where an animated value needs to invert another animated value for calculation. An example is inverting a scale (2x --> 0.5x):

const a = Animated.Value(1);
const b = Animated.divide(1, a);

Animated.spring(a, {
toValue: 2,

b will then follow a's spring animation and produce the value of 1 / a.

The basic usage is like this:

<Animated.View style={{transform: [{scale: a}]}}>
<Animated.Image style={{transform: [{scale: b}]}} />

In this example, the inner image won't get stretched at all because the parent's scaling gets cancelled out. If you'd like to learn more, check out the Animations guide.

Dark Status Bars

A new barStyle value has been added to StatusBar: dark-content. With this addition, you can now use barStyle on both Android and iOS. The behavior will now be the following:

  • default: Use the platform default (light on iOS, dark on Android).
  • light-content: Use a light status bar with black text and icons.
  • dark-content: Use a dark status bar with white text and icons.

...and more

The above is just a sample of what has changed in 0.36. Check out the release notes on GitHub to see the full list of new features, bug fixes, and breaking changes.

You can upgrade to 0.36 by running the following commands in a terminal:

$ npm install --save react-native@0.36
$ react-native upgrade

· 4 min read
Kevin Lacker

Part of having a great developer experience is having great documentation. A lot goes into creating good docs - the ideal documentation is concise, helpful, accurate, complete, and delightful. Recently we've been working hard to make the docs better based on your feedback, and we wanted to share some of the improvements we've made.

Inline Examples

When you learn a new library, a new programming language, or a new framework, there's a beautiful moment when you first write a bit of code, try it out, see if it works... and it does work. You created something real. We wanted to put that visceral experience right into our docs. Like this:

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { AppRegistry, Text, View } from 'react-native';

class ScratchPad extends Component {
render() {
return (
<View style={{flex: 1}}>
<Text style={{fontSize: 30, flex: 1, textAlign: 'center'}}>
Isn't this cool?
<Text style={{fontSize: 100, flex: 1, textAlign: 'center'}}>

AppRegistry.registerComponent('ScratchPad', () => ScratchPad);

We think these inline examples, using the react-native-web-player module with help from Devin Abbott, are a great way to learn the basics of React Native, and we have updated our tutorial for new React Native developers to use these wherever possible. Check it out - if you have ever been curious to see what would happen if you modified just one little bit of sample code, this is a really nice way to poke around. Also, if you're building developer tools and you want to show a live React Native sample on your own site, react-native-web-player can make that straightforward.

The core simulation engine is provided by Nicolas Gallagher's react-native-web project, which provides a way to display React Native components like Text and View on the web. Check out react-native-web if you're interested in building mobile and web experiences that share a large chunk of the codebase.

Better Guides

In some parts of React Native, there are multiple ways to do things, and we've heard feedback that we could provide better guidance.

We have a new guide to Navigation that compares the different approaches and advises on what you should use - Navigator, NavigatorIOS, NavigationExperimental. In the medium term, we're working towards improving and consolidating those interfaces. In the short term, we hope that a better guide will make your life easier.

We also have a new guide to handling touches that explains some of the basics of making button-like interfaces, and a brief summary of the different ways to handle touch events.

Another area we worked on is Flexbox. This includes tutorials on how to handle layout with Flexbox and how to control the size of components. It also includes an unsexy but hopefully-useful list of all the props that control layout in React Native.

Getting Started

When you start getting a React Native development environment set up on your machine, you do have to do a bunch of installing and configuring things. It's hard to make installation a really fun and exciting experience, but we can at least make it as quick and painless as possible.

We built a new Getting Started workflow that lets you select your development operating system and your mobile operating system up front, to provide one concise place with all the setup instructions. We also went through the installation process to make sure everything worked and to make sure that every decision point had a clear recommendation. After testing it out on our innocent coworkers, we're pretty sure this is an improvement.

We also worked on the guide to integrating React Native into an existing app. Many of the largest apps that use React Native, like the Facebook app itself, actually build part of the app in React Native, and part of it using regular development tools. We hope this guide makes it easier for more people to build apps this way.

We Need Your Help

Your feedback lets us know what we should prioritize. I know some people will read this blog post and think "Better docs? Pffft. The documentation for X is still garbage!". That's great - we need that energy. The best way to give us feedback depends on the sort of feedback.

If you find a mistake in the documentation, like inaccurate descriptions or code that doesn't actually work, file an issue. Tag it with "Documentation", so that it's easier to route it to the right people.

If there isn't a specific mistake, but something in the documentation is fundamentally confusing, it's not a great fit for a GitHub issue. Instead, post on Canny about the area of the docs that could use help. This helps us prioritize when we are doing more general work like guide-writing.

Thanks for reading this far, and thanks for using React Native!

· 2 min read
Martin Konicek

It's been one year since we open-sourced React Native. What started as an idea with a handful of engineers is now a framework being used by product teams across Facebook and beyond. Today at F8 we announced that Microsoft is bringing React Native to the Windows ecosystem, giving developers the potential to build React Native on Windows PC, Phone, and Xbox. It will also provide open source tools and services such as a React Native extension for Visual Studio Code and CodePush to help developers create React Native apps on the Windows platform. In addition, Samsung is building React Native for its hybrid platform, which will empower developers to build apps for millions of SmartTVs and mobile and wearable devices. We also released the Facebook SDK for React Native, which makes it easier for developers to incorporate Facebook social features like Login, Sharing, App Analytics, and Graph APIs into their apps. In one year, React Native has changed the way developers build on every major platform.

It's been an epic ride — but we are only getting started. Here is a look back at how React Native has grown and evolved since we open-sourced it a year ago, some challenges we faced along the way, and what we expect as we look ahead to the future.

This is an excerpt. Read the rest of the post on Facebook Code.

· One min read

Earlier this year, we introduced React Native for iOS. React Native brings what developers are used to from React on the web — declarative self-contained UI components and fast development cycles — to the mobile platform, while retaining the speed, fidelity, and feel of native applications. Today, we're happy to release React Native for Android.

At Facebook we've been using React Native in production for over a year now. Almost exactly a year ago, our team set out to develop the Ads Manager app. Our goal was to create a new app to let the millions of people who advertise on Facebook manage their accounts and create new ads on the go. It ended up being not only Facebook's first fully React Native app but also the first cross-platform one. In this post, we'd like to share with you how we built this app, how React Native enabled us to move faster, and the lessons we learned.

This is an excerpt. Read the rest of the post on Facebook Code.